Discovering good movies, one bad movie at a time

I would be very hard-pressed to explain why A Cure for Wellness is, in fact, “good”, for the simple reason that it kind of isn’t. For one thing, I don’t imagine that anyone could possibly be so in love with it (and I am, make no mistake, way the hell in love with it) that […]

Rock Dog is a low-down, no-damn-good movie. But terribly fascinating anyway, if more in theory than actuality. The film exists as a hoped-for evolutionary link between the second- and third-largest film markets in the world;* it has been 100% financed by Chinese production companies but 100% created by U.S. artists at a U.S. studio. The […]

For many and many a year, a good decade and a half now, a lot of us have been saying that M. Night Shyamalan is a (potentially) great stylistic director who really needs to stop writing his own movies. I’m definitely not going to suggest that Split, the director’s twelfth feature in a career that […]

Categories: horror, thrillers