Discovering good movies, one bad movie at a time

Just the name can send a shiver down the spine of the ill-prepared cinephile. Sátántangó. For Tarr Béla’s 7+ hour signature work is one of the endurance tests to tend all endurance tests in the art form of film. It is not the longest movie; even without leaving the realm of (relatively) conventional narrative cinema, […]

It is generally agreed that D.W. Griffith’s 1916 epic Intolerance: A Sun Play of the Ages (also subtitled Love’s Struggle Throughout the Ages, if that’s the way you roll) was made because of the reaction to his The Birth of a Nation from the year prior, though the exact reason behind that because is a […]

Pay close attention: there we have Mothra vs. Godzilla, a 1964 film that for most of its life was better-known in English-speaking territories as Godzilla vs. the Thing or Godzilla vs. Mothra. Here we have Godzilla vs. Mothra, a 1992 film that for most of its life was better-known in English-speaking territories as Godzilla and […]

Ask me three months ago, and I’d have said it was no surprise at all that Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit would be the best action movie starring Kevin Costner to be released in the first quarter of 2014. Ask me right after I saw Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, and I’d have said it was a […]