Discovering good movies, one bad movie at a time

The question of whether Green Book is worse on race or worse on class is a tough one. It’s at least more spectacularly bad on race; but I, for one, was unprepared for it to touch on class at all, so that came as the far uglier surprise. Either way, it’s the kind of modestly […]

Given the preposterously degraded state of the demonic possession movie, it doesn’t take much at all for The Possession of Hannah Grace to distinguish itself. And to be fair, it doesn’t do much at all, but it does it right at the start, and in so doing got on my good side so immediately that […]

Categories: exorcising, horror, thrillers

Creed II isn’t very good, but I cannot find it in me to feign disappointment about that. 2015’s Creed was, after all, not merely a good film: it was a miraculous film. Making a sixth sequel to 1976’s crowd-pleasing Best Picture winner Rocky 39 years after the original was a pretty dubious idea, and centering […]