Discovering good movies, one bad movie at a time

The Allen Ginsberg biopic Howl is a curiously unconventional beast, starting with the fact that it’s really not a biopic at all. If you looked at it from just the right angle, and willfully chose to ignore the point, you could semi-accurately describe it as the story of how and why Ginsburg wrote his revolutionary […]

Paul Conroy (Ryan Reynolds) wakes up to find himself in a wooden box barely larger than his body, buried in the Iraq desert. In the box with him are a Zippo lighter, two green glowsticks, a flashlight that barely works, and a battered cellphone displaying Arabic text. This last object is the most important: it […]

The Social Network rides into town on the back of the biggest buzz of any film of 2010. The only film greeted with more anticipation by more people this year has been Toy Story 3, and even that was less about the movie itself than about its predecessors. So it’s a bit of a nice […]