Discovering good movies, one bad movie at a time

This episode we turn to our lovely Patreon subscribers: in this case, John, who is asking us to weigh in on a different John – Marion “John ‘The Duke'” Wayne, famous as a star of classic Westerns, and infamous for reasons that we’d hate to spoil for Carrie before we get to the actual recording. Wayne’s legacy has proven very complicated and difficult to grapple with, and we’ll be of absolutely no help in resolving it, between Tim’s attitude of “I love him very much, and you can take him from me when I am dead and buried in the cold ground” and Carrie’s counterpoint of “Have I seen 5 John Wayne movies? Does Robin Williams doing a John Wayne impression count?” It is, at the very least, probably going to be one of our loopier episodes, so be sure to check it out!

Carrie’s Top 5:

  1. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 
  2. True Grit 
  3. Hondo 
  4. The Searchers
  5. Stagecoach 

Tim’s Top 5:

  1. The Shootist 
  2. She Wore a Yellow Ribbon 
  3. Rio Bravo
  4. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 
  5. The Searchers 

Audience Top 5:

  1. The Searchers
  2. The Quiet Man
  3. Stagecoach
  4. Red River
  5. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 

This week’s winner – M.C 

  1. Ethan Edwards in The Searchers
  2. Genghis Khan in The Conqueror


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Tim LetterboxdCarrie Letterboxd

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The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
True Grit (1969)
Hondo (1953)
The Searchers (1956)
Stagecoach (1939)


The Shootist (1976)
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
Rio Bravo (1959)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
The Searchers (1956)