Discovering good movies, one bad movie at a time

Dedicated to RS. Missed you, kid. 2008 peaked early for me. A week early, to be precise. You see, year in and year out, the absolute highlight of the calendar for me is always B-Fest, the 24-hour marathon of bad sci-fi movies, bad action movies, bad comedies, and sometimes social dramas which are, by custom, bad. Usually, B-Fest is on the last full weekend in January, but it happened on […]

On the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy, a small planet covered in water orbited a typical class G star just as it had for billions of years, just as it would for billions of years yet to come. Nothing much of any importance had changed since it started its pattern. At this time, there were organisms on that planet, not that the planet noticed very much, mind you. […]

I’ve seen many a “top 100 films of all time” list in my day, but I think this new one from Total Film might be the most schizophrenic ever. First of all, what the fuck is Total Film? Are these people I should know about? Because I don’t, except for this list. Okay, that’s not entirely true, I think I’ve read an article or two by them. British film magazine […]

From Pharyngula, a science-fiction movie meme, and how am I supposed to resist something like that? John Scalzi has published a new book, The Rough Guide to Sci-Fi Movies, including a list of The 50 SF Films You Must See Before You Die. I might have some words to say about the particular choice of films on this list, but that’s for another post. Right now, the rules say that […]