Discovering good movies, one bad movie at a time

Upon completing my Jane Campion retrospective, I declared her to be a rare example of a director with not a single bad film to her credit – running square against the conventional wisdom, but following my heart. As such things are wont to do, it got me thinking about all the other directors I love who weren’t so rarefied in all their endeavors, and what their worst film was; enough […]

From Shakespeare’s Sister, one of The Great Film Questions, and one that I’ve somehow never had to answer: what movie scenes always make you cry? I kind of cry at movies easily, I admit, but the biggies would include:-The end of Brief Encounter, when Laura and Alec are having tea for the last time. There’s clearly so many things they want to say to each other, and then that loud […]

I’m leaving in the very early hours tomorrow for a week’s vacation in hurricane-riven sunny Florida. I don’t know how much posting I’ll be able to do, but the plan right now is to blog my way through Disney World. Yes, I’m going to Disney World, and I know that violates something in my anarcho-socialist makeup, so I feel that I need to defend myself. Once upon a time, I […]