Discovering good movies, one bad movie at a time


There is no earthly reason that a film about gorgeous young people making vast sums of money in Vegas, spending it in the most conspicuous and glamorous ways possible, generally making a mockery of the story’s nominal moral about losing yourself to the dark lord Mammon, should be even a little bit tolerable. But damned […]

Ocean’s Thirteen is absolutely not a masterpiece. It’s something far more useful: the first major summer film of 2007 that isn’t a waste of time. Which is ironic, given that it’s essentially just a genial time-waster. As I’ve mentioned several dozen times here and elsewhere, I fully liked 2004’s Ocean’s Twelve. I would come much […]

It’s a sign of the unmistakable cinematic power of Lucky You that when I went looking for the poster for this review, I couldn’t remember what it was called. I couldn’t remember what it was about. And I had some sense that Drew Barrymore was in it, and wasn’t all that good. This was a […]

For a long time, I thought Jessica Biel was a terrible actress, but ever since last summer’s The Illusionist I’ve been slowly reconsidering that position. Now I find another argument in her favor: she goes through the film Next with a queer, confused look plastered on her face, admitting no other emotion, suggesting she can’t […]