Discovering good movies, one bad movie at a time


Eventually we’ll all stop seeing movies in theaters, favoring same-day HD downloads onto our 150″ flat panel TVs, and that thought makes me incredibly sad, for as I and many others have said many times, the communal aspect of filmgoing is really a very special thing. Being in the dark with strangers and absorbing their […]

Having signed a new lease this weekend, I thought it would be appropriate to spend some time with a film about the dark side of apartment dwelling: Roman Polanski’s The Tenant, the third film in a loose thematic trilogy about renters going insane. The film about apartment-hunters going insane, a subject with which I am […]

The lamest pull-quote I’ve ever seen is on the back of the DVD case for Battlefield Earth, and it goes something like this (I’m paraphrasing from memory): “Fantastic scene transitions!” In addition to being lame, it is inaccurate; the scene transitions in Battlefield Earth are in fact unusually bad. No-one can say the same of […]