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A bit of exciting personal news that affects you too, so pay attention.

Observe these people. See who they are, and what they do. Or just let me tell you: the Online Film Critics Society is the only professional organization for internet-based film critics. Which is kind of fair, because let’s be honest, there doesn’t really need to be more than that.

Anyway, I was invited to join their ranks.

In one sense, this doesn’t change a damn thing for you, the reader: I’ll still post the same exact reviews that I’ve always posted, I’ll still have an unjustifiable love for grimy horror films and inscrutable European art pictures.

But change, I fear, will be coming sooner rather than later; it’s one thing to have my lovely little 40ish distinct hits per day that aren’t the result of ill-considered Google searches, and for that sort of operation, the low-fi scuzziness of a Blogger template is just fine. But presumably, I can look forward to at least a slight uptick in visitors (at any rate, I’ll be surprised if my numbers go down, unless you my faithful readers decide that I’ve sold out and abandon me – please don’t*), and if it comes to the point where I’ll need to do a server migration or some such, I don’t want that to come as a surprise. And the template simply has to go.

Also, if the ugly prospect of advertising rears its ugly head, I really don’t want that to come as a surprise.

Meanwhile, you’ll soon see this bad mofo taking up a place of pride on the sidebar:

Now get in the comments and start congratulating me, dammit.

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