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Let us recap:

-The Democrats took the house in what is either a rout, or a great goddamn big rout, depending on who you listen to.

-Control of the Senate rests on two races that the Democrats have already won, pending recounts.

-Howard Dean’s 50 State Strategy is the chief reason this had happened, and for all those like me who have at times felt less than enthusiasm for the man, let this serve as the final proof that he is one of the finest and most noble of all Dems.

Other people are going to do a much better job of exploring what this all means and why it’s important than I possibly could; I’m just here for the ride, and what a hell of a ride it has been. A week ago, I wouldn’t have hoped for results like these. A year ago, I couldn’t have dreamed of them.

I’m not going to launch into any messy introspection. This is a day for celebration and joy. We got our country back. Congratulations.

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