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This post is concerned exclusively with matters of a personal nature, and if that’s not interesting to you, please feel free to skip it. They can’t all be predicting Oscar nominations.

So here’s the deal: I’m planning on applying to the Northwestern University School of Education and Social Policy, for my Master of Science in Education. It is my goal to become a high school English teacher.

First of all, this isn’t out of the blue. I was thinking very strongly of doing this right out of college, but time and money raised their ugly heads. What is undeniable is that one of the things I’m very good at is expostulating on why books are good, and I think I’d like to do it for the betterment of man, rather than just because I’m pretentious.

Second of all, to all those whose immediate thought is “Jesus! I thought he wanted to direct films!”: I still do. I’m not looking to do this for more than a decade or so. Plus, that’s why there are summer vacations. I’m certainly not going to stop writing. And if I can produce a film, of any length, that gets me recognition on the festival circuit, or God willing money for another film, then all bets are off.

If all goes well, I could start part time as soon as September. “As soon as” in a relative sense, obviously. But between now and then I have a lot of things to do. Anyway, now that I’m committed to the idea, I wanted to share it with you all.

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