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It’s entirely exciting to have one friend from another state visiting for the weekend; but how much more rare and delightful is it to have friends from both coasts here in the midlands at the same time! And thus does 2006 continue to kick the ass of 2005.

Although, not all has been good: after loudly proclaiming the wonder and joy of B-Fest last week, I found myself locked out of a ticket after the block of225 seats sold out in 90 minutes. If I have to beg, borrow or steal to get in, I will; but it looks bad. Does anyone care? Not likely.

I managed to see quite the handful of films in the last few days. One of these was The Matador, a buddy film about a hitman (Pierce Brosnan) and a small business owner (Greg Kinnear). A perfectly servicable and slight comedy, it did everything it set out to do, and made for a quick and painless afternoon. Not enough there to bother with a full-on review, but worth seeing if you have some time to waste.

I also managed to catch a screening of MirrorMask at the Music Box Theatre, and I found it to be a remarkable visual experience (director Dave McKean is a graphic artist whose work I have followed for some time). The Neil Gaiman-penned script seems to function mostly by keeping out of the imagery’s way, and I don’t actually know exactly what the plot was (was it a dream? or only part of it?). I liked it anyway – beautiful and haunting, and it knows how to use CGI well.

Beyond my promise to contribute to the extremely wordy debate on atheist activism, (which a this point, I will likely just do with a new post), I do regret that blogging has been slight this weekend, but it’s been very lazy around here – I apologize. Just one of those midwinter days when all you want to do is curl up with some cocoa, watch a black and white movie, and have something delightful baking in the oven.

Sometimes I adore the midwest.

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