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The third and final piece of my Liberality for All review (parts one, two) will be going up before the evening is out, but first I felt I should whet your appetites with a collection of the many wonderful images I’ve been suffering through enjoying these past weeks. All have been uploaded in Blogger, so click on the picture for a larger image. I’ve kept most of them below the fold, but here’s one to get you started:

G. Gordon Liddy’s fetishistic love of manly technology in its purest depiction

Alan Colmes is made to look like pure evil

Our narrator and hero, a soulless child with dead eyes

The willful young vandal whose civil disobedience teaches Reagan what it means to be a mindless reactionary

Reagan’s impersonation of the LFA target audience

What Mike Mackey thinks lesbians look like

Remember Obi-Wan meeting Anakin? The story here is even worse

The “good” kind of Muslim

Seriously, who inscribes this?

Sean alone senses that something is wrong…

…because Sean alone is not fucking blind


No I didn’t. Tell me, you racist prick

Part One of Liddy’s disproportionate response

Part Two of Liddy’s disproportionate response

Then you tell me, dear reader, is this meant to show Liddy as a villain or hero?

Bonus image from the end of the book: Drudge’s death at the hands of the terrorists, because anybody actually cares about him

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