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Thanks to everyone who voted!

In all of film history, there was never a worst time to be a horror fan than the late 1990s. Even the times when they basically weren’t making horror films were better; nothing at all is preferable to such filth-sucking mediocrity as the genre was able to produce in the era when the last choking death of straight slashers played itself out on video, while movie theaters bore witness to a parade of desperately over-hip Scream wannabes that favored insufferable, ’90s-style irony over even the minutest attempt to do something real.

Naturally, we must spend a moment genuflecting in the direction of these terrible, terrible movies.

Jack Frost (1997)
From IMDb: “A serial killer dies, comes back as a snowman, and wreacks [sic] havoc.”

Lake Placid (1999)
From IMDb: “Horror-Comedy about a man-eating crocodile loose in the lake.”

Urban Legend (1998)
From IMDb: “A college student suspects a series of bizarre deaths are connected to certain urban legends.”

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