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Apologies for not posting in a timelier manner. Damned work got in the way (I had to attend a meeting about the future implementation of a new financial system…oh, never mind).

Anyway, some of you may know by now that the Human Rights Campaign has endorsed Joseph Lieberman against Ned Lamont in the Democratic primary for the Connecticut Senate seat. Yeah, that Joseph Lieberman.

In response, playwright Christopher Durang wrote a HuffPo piece today on why he’s cancelling his HRC membership. It’s a hell of a thing. Go to.

Speaking personally, I’ve been an HRC member for a bit over a year now, because it seemed the right thing to do. I don’t have any pet causes, as such, but gay rights are right up their with freedom of choice and environmental protection in my own little pantheon of important domestic causes. I have gay friends, several of them, and I’d like very much to imagine that one day, they might be able to marry and raise a family. For that matter, I am myself bisexual, and while I anticpate neither marrying nor raising a family, I’d like to have the option open.

Which is why I feel betrayed. A politician shouldn’t be able to say “homosexuality is wrong,” and get a pass from a group theoretically opposed to that notion. It doesn’t even take recourse to Durang’s argument – Ned Lamont is pro-gay, and not pro- all of the shitty things Lieberman supports – to find this a completely unacceptable action for a progressive interest group.

Therefore, I too shall be cancelling my membership.

Via MyDD.

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