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Here it is 3:00 PM and I’m only just getting around to reading other peoples’ blogs. Have I mentioned that I hate my job? Good.

Anyway, I wanted to share a fantastically-worded observation from Ezra on the subject of the newest bin Laden tapes:

It’s understood truth that the tighter terrorism’s grip on the national agenda, the brighter the fortunes of the Republican Party. And yet bin Laden, whom the RNC would like you to believe blanches at the mere mention of their name, routinely plays deus ex machina each time their electoral outlook dims. To believe that bin Laden, whose network is largely online and reportedly sophisticated, cannot call up the New York Times and comprehend this electoral dynamic is the height of foolishness. So, for whatever reason, he appears intent on doing his enthusiastic best to improve the Republicans’ prospects. Strange, given their belief that he fears them so.

The whole thing.

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