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Holden at First Draft wonders why the Rove’s-Future-Indictment story isn’t gaining any traction. My guess would be that it’s because of this whole Supreme Court nominee thing going on – Alito is a clear and present danger, whereas the Rove situation will happen or not without any input from bloggers, and right now it’s just a few promising hints. A “developing” story, as you might say.

Jason Leopold, who first broke the story:

“[S]ources knowledgeable about the case against Rove say that he was offered a plea deal in December and that Luskin had twice met with Fitzgerald during that time to discuss Rove’s legal status. Rove turned down the plea deal, which would likely have required him to provide Fitzgerald with information against other officials who were involved in Plame’s outing as well as testifying against those people, the sources said.”

The present conventional wisdom holds that “other officials” refers to Cheney, which makes intuitive sense – who the hell else could it be? – and if so this would pretty much be the final blow against the neo-conservative movement. But I refuse to view this as anything more than rumour until Fitzgerald brings forth indictments, which I’m sure we all agree won’t be happening in the immediate future.

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