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So I spend one tiny weekend abstaining from the computer, and the Vice President shoots a man and the White House tries to hide it. Jeebus.

Firedoglake has been following the story obsessively, so go there and scroll around a bit. In a nutshell, Cheney was quail-hunting with some Texans, including 78 year-old Harry Whittington. Having shot two birds, Whittington went to fetch them, and returned to the group via a route between Cheney and his prey. He’s currently in intensive care with some pretty fucking nasty wounds from a 28-gauge shotgun. The sneaky part is that it was about 18 hours before the press got hold of this story.

No, I’m not so insane as to suggest that there’s something we don’t know here. The only question is how much will Cheney have to pay for being a fucking idiot who shouldn’t ever touch a gun again?

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