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Notes on the ongoing fixes to Alternate Ending

I’ve gotten some questions through various sources about the state of the website as we continue to patch up holes, and I thought it would be worth addressing them all in one place. Feel free to add other problems you’ve spotted in comments, and I’ll do what I can to talk about.

The Review Index
It is, as many, many of you have pointed out, a disaster area. Fixing it is going to take a long time – eleven years’ worth of reviews, and every one of them has to be gently tweaked by hand to get them in the form I want. More on that below. For right now, the important thing to know is that only those entries with a date in parentheses following the title are actually correct – everything else is a stab into some blind alley towards God knows what. I’m trying to fix that part as fast as I can, so it’s at least functional, but time is not my ally right now. All other eventual changes to the index – adding Summer of Blood and Disney subsections, fixing it so that it ignores “The” and “A” when alphabetising – will happen after that initial wave of correcting titles has been handled.

The Disney reviews take the longest to fix, and while I understand that many of you want to see the Disney Rankings Page come back to life, it will take my time. The priority right now is to have all of that in place by the time Moana comes out on Blu-ray, which is also when I’ll go back in and tweak that review and add images.

Review Pages
As some of you have noted, I’m working to make all of the hyperlinks internal, rather than leaping out to IMDb (e.g. Moana). This is something people have been hounding me about for years, so hopefully it’s a welcome change. In the meantime, there will be various loose threads that need to be tied up: adding star ratings, Amazon links, proper images. So I’ll have to beg your patience for all those times you find the movie title paired with the flagrantly wrong information in the sidebar. I’m not immune to requests (preferably in comments below) for specific titles you’d like to see patched up.

Like I said, I hope to have Disney wrapped up by mid-March. The rest will be happening in fits and starts, slowing down massively around the end of March and not picking up again till May, but I think everything should be done by August. ACS fundraiser reviews, meanwhile, will be coming out on a roughly 3-per-week schedule for the forseeable future, and should definitely be done by mid-April, or sooner.

Rob, Carrie, or I will be glad to clarify anything!

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