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三大怪獣 地球最大の決戦

In the grand tradition of blog series throughout the internet, Review All Monsters! has hit itself a snag, Owing, undoubtedly, to Netflix’s hellbent urge to stop having DVDs involved with its DVD-by-mail service, there apparently aren’t enough discs of Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster to go ’round, so I find myself staring an unyielding “Long wait” in the face, as I have done for some days now. Meanwhile, my customary back-up plan of accidentally finding perfectly legal copies of rare or never-on-home-video movies underneath rocks in the magical forest has also come up short: it is unbelievably hard to find a Japanese-language torrent of Ghidorah on any of the sites I have ready access to. And so we wait: either for whoever is hanging onto my disc to mail it back, or for this fucking slow drip download to wrap up. Review All Monsters! will return, I promise, but right now I haven’t the damnedest idea when it will be, or how much time it will take to get back on schedule.

In the meantime, I hope to share with you all soon the fruits of James Franco’s limitless dipshittery.

Updated: Good news! Copy acquired, and while I have a sort of theme day planned for tomorrow, it might go up then at some point, or definitely Monday.

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