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I hope nobody minds if I take just one more day off before returning to the messy business of blogging? Only it’s so nice to have year end crunch season wrapped up, and I’m shaking the last of a cold off, and it’s been so lovely to sleep a lot. A couple more catch-up reviews from 2012 are still in the wings, and the tragic return of Disney’s direct-to-video sequels is coming along next week, and I’m going to kick off another freaking retrospective Saturday series day after tomorrow, this one that is by no means as comprehensive as most.

Incidentally, if anyone does mind, it doesn’t actually matter, because I won’t be coming back until tomorrow afternoon, when I review the wonderful, incredibly unsettling family drama Elena, which you have no excuse not to watch, because it’s on Netflix, along the with the same director’s equally wonderful, and unsettling in a whole different register The Return. Double your inscrutable Russian arthouse films, double your fun!

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