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My TV blogging tends to be disastrous (plug for Lost right before its largely irrelevant second season; reviews of The Sopranos during what history will likely regard as its worst patch of episodes), which is why I don’t do it very often. But I’m making a special case just this once.

Over the weekend, I picked up the first season box of Adult Swim’s The Venture Bros. on DVD. Now, buying TV on DVD is not really a special or rare occurence for me, otherwise there would be almost constant TV-flogging here. Anyway, I tore through the thirteen episodes pretty quickly (Id seen about half of them before – one of those classic situations where every time I’d turn the show on, it would be the same episode), and got to idly wondering today when and if there’d be a second season.

Turns out the second season begins this Sunday at 10:30 pm EDT. I don’t know if anyone but me cares about the show (although you should) or if anyone else was unaware of its impending return (I suppose there are likely advertisements on Adult Swim, but who the hell still watches Adult Swim?), but I thought it best I send this on, as a bit of a public service announcement

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