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Update: Sheesh, miss one html tag and your whole blog goes to hell. All better now.

In the lobby of the building where I work, there is a television set turned at all times to CNN. Which means that the first thing I see every day is whatever is adjudged to be the breaking news of greatest important between 8:00 and 8:30 in the morning.

Today, feeling like country fried Death when I woke up (Important Lesson: don’t eat two Klondike Heath bars less than thirty minutes before going to bed), I was already not in the mood to deal with things that weren’t my nice cozy bed and so I was not thrilled when I got to work and my eyes fell upon-


Francine Busby, Democrat, lost to Brian Bilbray, Republican with awesome name, in a rather snug House race, 49.5%-45%.

Surprising? No. But I don’t think it’s for the reasons conventional wisdom would maintain (heavily Republican district, voters primarily motived by immigration issues). Instead I agree with Dave Weigel: this is about a tremendous rhetorical boo-boo Busby made at the last possible moment.

Which gives me hope. While CNN and others view this as evidence that the GOP-is-corrupt campaign is dead in the water, I prefer to think it means that any Democrat candidate who doesn’t stand in front of a camera wearing an “I [heart] Illegals” t-shirt has a shot at winning.

Then again, it is early and I am tired.

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