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I don’t know how I managed to be totally unaware of this film until now, but it sounds intriguing. I’d probably be a bit more excited if I had any idea who this Gabriel Range person is (he has a clutch of BBC telefilms to his name, all of which seem to be “what if” stories).

What confuses me is that this doesn’t seem to necessarily be an anti-Bush film. I don’t want to play the game that the Drudges of the world are playing, which is reviewing a movie I’ve never seen (although I bet I could have done it for Beerfest), but I just want to throw out a question: doesn’t a film that makes the case that Syrian terrorist assassins are a clear and present danger tend to give credence, on some level, to the Bush Administration’s constant fear-mongering? A truly anti-Bush film would instead lionize a white American assassin, non?

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