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Today, Antagony & Ecstasy is eight years old, and that’s an awfully long time to be rocking the same old Blogger template and Blogspot address. All this time, and I still feel like I’m kind of winging it; like if I was serious about this whole deal, I should be more of a grown-up about it.

Which is why I am extraordinary proud to announce the development of Antagony & Ecstasy mk. 2, a brand new website with all the same features you’ve come to love on the blog, only more polished and handsome. Its home is, and at some point, I’m going to invite all of you to change your links and bookmarks and everything to point there. But not quite yet.

Migrating all the content of the old Antagony over to the new site is going to take ages – literally months, if I keep going at the rate I have been. But I wanted to show off the new digs, get everybody’s feedback, and all, so for the month of August, I’m going to make it available to anyone who wants to take a look – or even start using it instead of the blog, to get a sense of how it’s going to feel once it’s up and running.

And please, I want feedback: everything from the most minor “I think the font size you’re using is a point too small” all the way up to “this entire idea is misbegotten and I hate you now.” I do this for you, my readers, as much as I do it for me, and I want to make sure that by the time that the new site goes live and replaces this place, it’s exactly the way that makes the most people as happy as possible. So use this post as the repository for any and all comments, and by the end of the month, hopeully I’ll have a good idea of where to take it.

Of course, the site is a work in progress; there are a lot of dead links and half-finished indices and all. But hopefully there’s enough there that you can get a sense of how it will flow, and what the thing will look like when it’s all done.

I eagerly await everybody’s thoughts!

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