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UPDATE: Thankfully, this seems to have righted itself without any input from me at all. Leaving the rest for the sake of posterity.

Is the formatting still weird?
(Not the formatting of this post – I know this post is weird.
I did that to make sure it was wholly readable)
Because it was weird when I went to bed.

Here is what I currently know:
it’s the Blogger template I’m using,
and nothing that I’ve done,
nor anything I can fix,
unless I change things far more drastically
than I want to when I’m in the middle of
hammering out the dents on a brand-new website.

My hope is that Blogger fixes this,
and if they don’t by tomorrow morning,
I’ll be reporting the issue on the
incredibly sorry-looking “I have blog problems forum”.
In the meanwhile, a more comfortably readable
version of everything is on the
still-in-progress new site
So go over there if you want to actually read shit,
but don’t comment. The commenting system is sucky,
and has thus far been the last thing I’ve focused on,
since this is still the “real” Antagony & Ecstasy at present,
and we can all use the comments there.
Though I bet we all understand now
why I wanted to build a new fucking site.

Seriously, fuck off Blogger.
You’ve made me write shitty troubleshooting-themed
blank verse.

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