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The Supreme Court announced today that it would hear a case on the constitutionality of late-term abortions sometime later this year.

Apparently the Court took this case up at the urging of the Justice Department, which claims that the lower court which has overturned the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban on the grounds that it lacks a health exception “overrides Congress’s carefully considered finding, following nine years of hearings and debates, that partial-birth abortion is never necessary to preserve a mother’s health.” Given that the only member of Congress with a medical licence is a deranged lunatic who declared that Terry Schiavo had valid brain activity on a videotape, I somehow doubt that Congress’s findings were all that “considered.”

Somehow, I actually imagine this will end well – I think Kennedy supports health exceptions, although I know he voted to uphold a partial-birth ban in Stenberg v. Carhart. Anyone know for sure?

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