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Today, beloved readers, is a very special day: Antagony & Ecstasy celebrates its 10th anniversary! And that, coupled with the rapidly-approaching fact of my entry in grad school, means that it’s time for a celebration. I herewith declare that August shall be a month of jubilee at this blog, which means that all of the posts I’ve been kicking down the road for years now are going to finally start showing up. Those who have been asking me for two years when I shall finally get around to Wreck-It Ralph, for five years about A Bug’s Life, and for the whole decade of this blog’s existence about that Terry Pratchett tribute I teased during my second week writing will be happy with some of the festivities on the table.

It also means that starting on the 15th, there are going to be some enormous changes around these parts. But we’re going to talk about that on the 15th. Until that grey day arrives, I want to thank all of my readers, those who comment and those who do not, for having supported me for the last decade and made it feel like all these words about the highest and lowest of film art have been worth it. Without you, this would have ended a long time ago, and I’d have never invested so much of myself into writing about movies to pursue it all the way to a terminal degree. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming here to share my often irritable, frequently overbaked, and hopefully, sometimes, enlightening and interesting observations. Here’s to another ten years, no matter what other changes the future will bring.

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